Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Missing kids.

Well yup. I thought I would share this photo cause it is a pretty sweet one.
and because I miss the cute kids in it. and the cute kid that is not in it.
Because it is fun to feel sentimental. and I am feeling sentimental about Summer.
Because this captures Summer at its best. and Summer is almost over. It feels over.
But thats O.K. because I love fall. and Fall brings things that are sentimental,
Like birthdays and bonfires and s'mores, cosy sweaters and hot chocolate.


Betsy said...

I suppose that photo will haunt Lars his whole life. :)

Martha said...

Oh Betsy, that is not the only one she took!

We miss you too! very much!

All in a Day said...

Happy birthday, Keren!

miranda said...

welcome back Keren... we missed you on here.

Anonymous said...

I love that photo! I just have to keep coming back to look at it! mom